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The story:

The two of them are going camping – to get away from everything. To have some quality time.

Alfie finds it hard to talk, his Mum does too.

They share stories about dragons – scary ones, sulky ones, angry ones, funny ones - and discover that emotions, like Dragons, are tricky beasts. Sometimes they need to be tamed, sometimes they need to be released.

Told with charm and humour and with the companies’ unique visual storytelling style, When Another Dragon Roars is a thoughtful and heart-warming show for children and adults alike.

 “Fantastic theatrical experience for both adults and children. Moving, sad and uplifting”

 Adult Audience Member.


“All my class sat for the whole duration, animated and engaged, great to talk about emotions at the end”

Teacher-Hayfield SEN school


"It made me know how to breath when their is a Dragon inside me!"9 year old

Bowow and Alfie- photo by barry han.jpg


Alfie finds it hard talking about his feelings especially with his Mum! But one thing they both love talking about is Dragons! To their amazement they end up meeting a real  Baby Dragon and it's Mum!

After meeting the Dragon Alfie starts to know how to deal with his negative feelings much better! 


Visit Alfie's top tips on how to beat difficult emotions in our Creative Calm and mindful makes section HERE



Anna finds it hard to talk about her feelings, especially with her son.

She takes the two of them camping much to Alfie's dislike. However, they both end up sharing important stories that help them connect. Plus finding a Dragon's egg, makes it a trip of a Lifetime!



Find out how fresh air and mindfulness helped Anna in our Creative Calm and mindful makes section HERE


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Bow Wow is Alfie's trusty Dog. OK, he's not real, but he's much more than just a stuffed toy. Alfie cuddles him when he is feeling anxious and sometimes tells him secrets. With his big ears, he's a really good listener.





Learn how to make your own Worry Dragon in our Creative Calm and Mindful Makes section HERE

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